Friday, April 9, 2010

When you don't know what to do...

For those who know my sister, Juana Maria, we all know she is someone comparable to Ghandi...

ok I'm exaggerating, but in all honesty, my sister is one of the wisest people I know. Now, let me be clear about this, not EVERYTHING she says makes sense (sorry Juana - I have to be honest ) But, for the most part her wise words can help you live an amazing life.

My sister once told me, "Nena, when you don't know what to nothing at all." At first I looked at her like she was crazy... Do nothing? What will me doing nothing accomplish = nothing? It didn't make sense!...I fought the idea for a long time. It wasn't until this past months that I fully agree with her... and must give her public credit for her intelligence! -Yes Juana, that is a special shout out just for you.

Me doing nothing has lead me to taking an amazing vacation to the Dominican Republic, a volunteering experience in Haiti that I will never forget, and a possible job opportunity that will begin my career. Not to mention along the way of me doing nothing I have met amazing people from around the world and done things I never imagined I would do. Yes, this all came from doing nothing!

I want to assume that you are all quick enough to understand what I mean when I say do nothing - but like they say you should never assume because you make an a** out of you and me and I know I have a reputation to protect, so let me explain.

This does not mean quit your job and do nothing and eventually you will end up the next day on a Caribbean island drinking mojitos on a private cabana.... Sorry folks it does not work that way! It means take yourself away from all the stress and problems and just relax. Do what comes to you naturally. In my case traveling is just something I DO - so when I don't know what to do in life and I feel overwhelmed I get away... So please don't take me saying "do nothing" too seriously, but take it seriously. Make sense?

I've come to realize that no matter what you do in life, stress and problems will always accompany you. This is just the nature of life - with good comes bad. But, the true measure of people is how you deal with the bad and how well you bounce back. The biggest problem we have as humans is how to deal with it all when it comes your way... my words to you today - when you don't know what to do... DO NOTHING! Try it out and let me know how it goes!


  1. Get Point! Always trust the big sis. Hope you are doing well!

  2. Wise words, Juana. And amazing experience, Elena. Very funny phote (and very familiar...)
